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By ELIZA LESLIE, 1846, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

Three dozen ears of Indian corn.
Six eggs.
Lard and butter in equal proportions for frying.

The corn must be full grown, but young and soft.

Grate it down from the cob into a flat dish, and dredge it with flour from the fredging-box. Beat the eggs very light, and then mix them gradually with the corn, adding a small tea-spoonful of salt. The whole must be beaten more than a quarter of an hour after the eggs and corn are thoroughly mixed.

Having made a frying-pan very hot over the fire, put into it equal quantities of lard and fresh butter, and when they come to a boil put in portions of the mixture in oval cakes about three inches long, and nearly an inch thick. Fry them brown, drain them as they come from the frying-pan, and send them to table hot.

In taste they have a singular resemblance to fried oysters. They are very nice at breakfast, or as a side dish at dinner. Cold boiled corn, left from the day before, may be used for corn oysters.