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Inside the Palais d'Europe:



The start of the 88th Lemon Festival in Menton was in a strange interregnum.

The 2021 event has been cancelled due to the virus and the threat of cancellation or undue restrictions always hovered up until the start.

The virus had not long peaked but people had got the measure of it and who it was most likely to take down and the drumbeat of a possible war in Ukraine was still muted.

"Turn up, miss the parades, less people will be there and there will always be food".

As it happened there was little food and much the best was the lemons, all parts of which can be eaten uncooked or cooked, and products made from the lemons.

The theme was opera and dance but there was no sign of dance represented in the monumental structures outside. Perhaps it was reserved for the parades.

The Menton lemon has received its protected geographical appellation and sells at a healthy premium in the shops and to gourmet chefs around the country so display lemons and oranges are imported from Spain.


Les Indes Galantes

The Magic Flute

The Marriage of Figaro

The Peking Opera

Within the Palais d'Europe there was an exhibition of orchids scattered with references to operas and souvenir food of offer.

The Magic Flute

Queen of the Night
